Academic Calendar
Undergraduate students
For the Undergraduate Calendar (in Portuguese) for campus I (João Pessoa), campus II (Areia), campus III (Bananeiras) and IV (Rio Tinto e Mamanguape), click here.
Most important dates of the 2019.2 semester (Campi I and IV):
October 15, 2019 – 2019.2 semester start.
November 04 to 07, 2019 – period for students to cancel courses they have enrolled (considering they do not want to proceed with such courses and want them out of their transcripts).
December 17, 2019 to January 31, 2020 - vacation
April 01, 2020 – Semester end.
April 02 to 08, 2020 – FINAL EXAMS - applicable to students that did not reach the 7,0 passing grade during the semester.
April 02 to 08, 2020 – System is open for professors to enter students' grades.
Graduate students
Graduate Programs are autonomous and may set semester start and end dates different from those of Undergraduate classes.
Students who come to UFPB for Graduate courses only must pay attention to the dates published by the Graduate program of interest.
Students interested in Graduate courses and Undergraduate courses alike must bear in mind that the academic calendars may differ, which may require a longer stay at UFPB.
To know more about graduate programs (in Portuguese), click here.
Date of arrival
International students are advised to arrive at João Pessoa at least one week before classes start. The letter of acceptance issued by our International Office usually spans a few days before classes start and a few days after the semester ends.