
School System

por ACI publicado 04/07/2016 11h20, última modificação 26/11/2019 15h59
How does UFPB work?

Undergraduate: portugues.png

At UFPB, undergraduate studies last from 3,5 years to 6 years (7 to 12 semesters), depending on each program. Graduates who want to join a graduate (Master's) program must go through a selection process conducted and coordinated by each Graduate Program.

Graduate (Master's): 
Graduates who want to join one graduate (Master's) program must take part in a selection process conducted and coordinated by each Graduate Program. Graduate Programs are autonomous and, therefore, every aspect concerning the selection to the said programs — including dates, requirements and selection criteria — are to be set by each Program. Graduate studies normally last 2 years (4 semesters): 2 semesters for courses/credits; 2 semesters for conducting the research, writing and defending the MSc thesis.

To know all Graduate Programs (in Portuguese) at UFPB, click here and refine your search by Centro.


One credit corresponds to 15 hours of class work, regardless of how many extra hours of work students need to dedicate off-class to achieve the pedagogical goals of each course.

Academic Semester

Each academic semester lasts 100 days. Evaluation may include tests, papers, essays, works, seminars to be done/presented during the semester. Students who do not achieve the 7.0 passing grade (out of 10.0) are entitled to one final exam (per course). For this reason, it is possible to pass a course with an average below 7.0.

Workload (hours), credits and attendance

Course workload in hours45607590
Credits per course
03 04 05 06
Number of hours* a student can miss per course
11 15 18 22
*The number of classes a student can miss per course will depend on the duration of the classes missed (1, 2, 3 or 4 hours per class).


Credits per Academic Semester

The maximum number of credits a UFPB student can enroll in a semester may vary depending on the course the student in registered in.

The learning agreement presented with the student's application may have to be altered after the student arrives at UFPB if 1) a course is eventually cancelled in that semester, 2) the student has chosen courses that exceed the maximum possible number of credits, 3) the schedule of two or more courses overlap, 4) the student has changed her/his mind, among other reasons.

When preparing their definitive learning agreement, students must make sure that they do not exceed the maximum number of credits per semester and that class schedules do not overlap.


1. Students are graded from 0 (zero) to 10 (ten).
2. Regular passing grade is 7.0 (seven).
3. Passing grade after final exams is 5.0 (five).
4. Testing: number of tests during the semester will depend on the course workload: Minimum 1 - Maximum 6 (+ Final Exam, if applicable).
5. In case a student does not reach the passing grade, s/he may be entitled to a Final Test/Exam, if his/her average grade allows.
6. Shoud a student not be present for a test, s/he may require a resit. Regardless of the number of tests done by a professor at a course during the semester, students are entitled to one single resit per course/semester. Resit may be done by the end of the semester (before the final test) or at another time, provided that this is agreed by student(s) and professor.

For a formal document that explains the grading system at UFPB, click here.
For a version in Portuguese, click here.