Temporary Visa
Important! The Brazilian law requires that foreigners coming to Brazil for studies or research activities for a period over 90 (ninety) days have a TEMPORARY VISA issued by the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate located in the student/researcher's country of origin, in order to be legally registered at Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB).
The Temporary Visa must be issued by the Brazilian consulate at the student/researcher's country of origin. The proof that the student is coming to Brazil to study is the Letter of Acceptance, issued by our International Office (ACI-UFPB).
* Steps for having a Letter of Acceptance issued:
1) The foreign student (or his university) sends ACI/UFPB all documents relative to his/her application;
2) ACI/UFPB forwards these documents to the Coordination of the Program at which the student wishes to study;
3) In case of a positive answer, ACI issues a Letter of Acceptance;
4) ACI sends the student a copy of the letter of acceptance by e-mail. In many countries it is possible to file for a visa with the printed copy only. In some other cases, it is necessary to present the original letter. When necesary (check number 5);
5) ACI sends the original letter to the International Office at the student's home university (except if the student informs a different addess, or in case a special situation comes up);
6) The student picks up her/his letter of acceptance and proceeds with the steps to obtain a visa.
** Steps for having a Temporary Visa issued:
In most cases, the following documents must be presented at the Brazilian Consulate or Embassy in the student's country of origin:
a) Passport, valid for a minimum of six months;
b) 4X4 cm. face photo on a white background;
c) Certificate of residence at the consulate's jurisdiction;
d) Visa application form (available from the Brazilian Consulate's website);
e) Letter of Acceptance issued by UFPB;
f) Consulate fee, which may vary from one consulate to another;
g) Background check (police record) issued within the last 3 months by the local authority;
Other papers/documents may be requested for issuing your visa; it is important to get in touch with the Brazilian consulate in your country of origin for information on the updated list of documents needed for obtaining a student's temporary visa.
Likewise, we recommend that you gather information on documents/papers that may have to be issued in your country and brought over to Brazil, which may have to be produced at the moment of your registration with the Federal Police (in Brazilian territory).
Details (in Portuguese) on how to obtain a student visa are at: