
UFPB Structure

por ACI publicado 01/07/2016 13h05, última modificação 13/11/2019 10h15

portugues.pngUFPB has campuses in four cities located in different parts of the State of Paraíba. UFPB campuses and their respective Centers (total of 16) are listed below:

  • Campus I - João Pessoa

Exact and Natural Sciences — Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza (CCEN)
Human Sciences, Letters and Arts — Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes (CCHLA)
Law — Centro de Ciências Jurídicas (CCJ)
Education— Centro de Educação (CE)
Applied Social Sciences — Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas (CCSA)
Technology — Centro de Tecnologia (CT)
Health Sciences — Centro de Ciências da Saúde (CCS)
Medicine — Centro de Ciências Médicas (CCM)
Biotechnology — Centro de Biotecnologia (CBIOTEC)
Communication, Tourism and Arts — Centro de Comunicação, Turismo e Artes (CCTA)
Alternative and Renewable Energies — Centro de Energias Alternativas e Renováveis (CEAR)
Informatics — Centro de Informática (CI)
Technology and Regional Development — Centro de Tecnologia e Desenvolvimento Regional (CTDR)

  • Campus II - Areia (125 from João Pessoa)

Agricultural Sciences — Centro de Ciências Agrárias (CCA)

  • Campus III - Bananeiras (132 from João Pessoa)

Human, Social and Agricultural Sciences — Centro de Ciências Humanas, Sociais e Agrárias (CCHSA)

  • Campus IV - Rio Tinto e Mamanguape (a 70 km de João Pessoa)

Applied Sciences and Education — Centro de Ciências Aplicadas e Educação (CCAE)



The following programs are offered only outside João Pessoa:

 courses outside jpa.jpg


Attention to the following programs: they are offered both as Licenciatura and Bacharelado, and may be offered at different campuses:



To get to know all the programs and courses available, click here. But first, for instructions on how to search correctly, click here.


To better understand...

  • Center – is an academic-administrative unit that gathers programs (cursos) and departments of one single field of knowledge. For example the Center of Technology gathers the Cursos (and Departments) of Architecture and Urbanism, 7 Cursos of Engineering and Industrial Chemistry.
  • Departament – is a unit of teaching, research and extension, which comprehends courses alike and is formed by professors therein alloted. Several professors of different departments may teach at a single curso, and a professor (of any department) may teach courses in several cursos.
  • Coordination (of a curso) – is the unit that manages the curso academically. Each curso has their own Coordination/Coordinator.
  • Curso – is the program which the student pursues, for example "(Bacharelado in) Translation Studies", "(Licenciatura in) Mathematical Sciences".
  • Bacharelado – is a curso in undergraduate level that forms professionals for the job market and/or researchers. Students who graduate in law get the title of Bacharel em (Bachelor in) Law and, in Brazil, can only work as a lawyer after approval in the Bar exam; those who graduate in Engineering are considered engineers, but they also must be regsitered at the Regional Council of Engineering and Architecture (Conselho Regional de Engenharia e Arquitetura (CREA). For most of the Bacharelados, once you graduate, you may work in that specialized field.
  • Licenciatura – is a curso in undergraduate level that forms teachers in several areas; for example Licenciatura in Biological Sciences forms Biology teachers for primary/secondary schools. Licenciatura has a common ground with Bacharelado but includes courses in the field of Education/Didactics/Psychology.
  • Discipline/Course – is a set of classes on a specific subject.
  • CODESC – (Coordenação de Escolaridade) – is UFPB's registrar/records office. It is located in UFPB's central administration building, ground floor.