

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Energias Renováveis

Centro de Energias Alternativas e Renováveis

Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Research lines

Renewable Energy Systems

This research line focuses on systems and processes for the conversion and rational use of renewable energy by thermal, photovoltaic, wind and chemical routes. Also includes the development of systems for refrigeration and air conditioning using adsorption with regeneration by renewable energy, development of solar concentration systems for Stirling engines and linear concentrating collectors for thermal conversion processes. In the area of photovoltaic solar energy, conventional compression refrigeration systems with thermal accumulation will be studied and optimized, as well as network engineering. Numerical methods and computational tools will be used to characterize and optimize the systems studied.

Environment, economics, and energy use

This research lines seeks a better understanding of the environment and energy exchanges, aiming to generate knowledge for the sustainable use of natural resources. Tools for environmental management and understanding of climate change, their consequences and possible adaptation measures will be developed. The studies will also include environmental impact assessments in renewable energy projects. Studies of economic and social feasibility of projects will be carried out, as well as market and regional inequality studies applied to renewable energies. This line also aims to overcome the barriers that hinder the consolidation of a more efficient and rational use of energy, through the combination of different technologies and energy resources, resulting in a better use of natural resources.

Materials applied to renewable energy

This line will carry out research and development of materials (ceramic, metallic and polymeric), structural systems, nanostructured composites, functional materials, development of new materials that can be applied to energy use. Studies of new materials will include the assessment of thermophysical and chemical properties, thermomechanical performance, serviceability and life cycle throughout the production chain in the energy sector. The use and productive incorporation of waste materials will also be studied, through their characterization and the simulation of sustainable applications in renewable energy technology.

Professors per research line

The Academic Master Program is structured into lines of research coordinated by the professors that share the common interest and that develop joint activities of research, publication and teaching with their students. Meaning that students develop their dissertation or theses related to one of the lines of research. The line of research must be chosen upon enrolling in the selection process and used as the main foundation of knowledge in developing their work.

  • Renewable energy systems
    • João Alves de Lima
    • José Maurício A. M. Gurgel
    • Márcio Rodrigo de Araújo Souza
    • Paulo Rotella Junior
    • Rogério Santana Peruchi
  • Environment, economics, and energy use
    • Luiz Moreira Coelho Junior
    • Monica Carvalho
    • Raphael Abrahão.
  • Materials applied to renewable energy
    • Flávia de Medeiros Aquino
    • Kelly Cristiane Gomes da Silva
    • Marta Célia D. Silva
    • Pollyana C. R. Fernandes
    • Silvia Layara Floriani Andersen.